December 30th, 2010 | Meals, calories, diet, exercise, food, goals, healthy eating�
There has been a lot of buzz lately about calorie cycling and whether or not it is an effective means of losing weight. For some, it has enabled them to lose massive amounts of weight. For others, it may just not work. Let?s take a look at the theories behind calorie cycling and go further into depth on how this particular diet plan works.
First, the main theory behind calorie cycling is that dieting trains our bodies to need less calories. That means that as soon as you eat a little more, you may gain weight. Calorie cycling promotes changing up the amount of calories you eat every single day so that your body never really knows what is going on. For example, on a Monday you may eat 1500 calories, on Tuesday 2000 calories and on Wednesday 2500 calories, before dropping back down to 1500 on Thursday.
This diet is very popular due to the fact that you?re able to eat more and you don?t necessarily have to give up the food that you like. Exercise is also an important component of calorie cycling, but it will depend on the plan that you are following as to how much you?ll need to do. This is one of the more interesting diets out there and since some of the results are so dramatic, it has certainly become very popular.
The main concern over calorie cycling is the focus on being able to eat whatever you want, just as long as you are within your set calories for the day. While that sounds great in theory, over time it may lead to problems. Yes, it?s fine to stick within calorie guidelines, but some may be tempted to take that advice a little too far. It?s one thing to eat your set amount of calories, it?s another to get them from fried chicken.
Calorie cycling can be an effective means of losing weight, but it should not be viewed as your ticket to eat whatever you want. Smart food choices are essential, no matter what kind of diet you are on and food that is unhealthy is simply that ? unhealthy. Eat a little fried chicken now and then, but only occasionally and in moderation. Otherwise, you won?t be doing your arteries any favors.
Unlike many fad diets, calorie cycling does appear to work well, at least over the short term. However, unless you introduce lifestyle changes and a healthy exercise plan into the mix, those results may be short lived. If you do decide to follow one of these diet plans, don?t lose sight of your goals beyond weight loss, such as better health and a greater level of fitness.
By keeping your eyes on these goals, as well as the numbers on the scale, you?ll be well on your way to permanent weight loss, and you?ll feel better too. Give calorie cycling a try, but don?t use it as a license to remain unhealthy.
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Originally posted 2008-11-11 05:30:27. Republished by Blog Post Promoter
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Meals, calories, diet, exercise, food, goals, healthy eating
amount of calories, buzz, diet plan, diets, exercise, fried chicken, losing weight, massive amounts, matter what kind, moderation, single day, smart food choices, trains
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