January 1st, 2011 | Weight Loss Journal, exercise, motivation, review, sleep, stress, weight loss�
Continued from part 1, we are looking at the ten essential elements for weight loss success.
6 - Exercise -
Daily activity is a really important part of the equation, along with including periods of structured, intense activity, or 'working out'. This should cover resistance training to build long, lean and strong muscles, and also cardio training to strengthen the heart and promote weight loss. Ideally you should aim to be spending 45 to 60 minutes exercising, at least 3 times a week.
7 - Stress Management and Time Management -
You are going to need to prioritize your health if you want to be able to deal with everything that life throws at you. Once you have acknowledged the fact that you're going to make your health a priority, the next step is to figure out how to make it happen. Cut time wasters and stress inducers out of your diet, by reducing TV, eliminating clutter, squeezing in more exercise and do other things that will help you better manage your time and your stress.
8 - Recovery -
Rest and recovery are absolutely encouraged. You are going to want to make sure that you are getting an adequate amount of rest between your intense sessions of training. Some people go too hard at the outset without rest, and end up putting themselves at risk of injury or illness as a result. You should plan your workout days in advance, sticking to them, and give yourself adequate recovery time in between. Active recovery can include swimming, walking and cycling, as these activities will keep the blood flowing without requiring that you tax your body in any way. Getting enough rest is also vital to this process, so aim for between 7 and 9 hours a night.
9 - Consistency -
No matter what nutrition plan or training program you decide to follow, the best way to get success is to be consistent. As long as the diet or exercise program is a quality approach, then consistency is the key to achieving success. You will find that certain approaches are going to work better for you than others, but focus less on the details and try to focus more on making sure that the changes are being implemented as long term, ongoing and consistent changes for the best level of weight loss success.
10 - Record and Review -
In order to really figure out whether or not things are working, you need to be able to take measurements of yourself at the beginning, re-measuring on a regular basis. Logging what you are doing and how changes are being made is extremely important, so log your food intake and your exercise and activity as well. This is one of the most important things that you can do in order to ensure success, because it provides you with a level of accountability that will help to get things done.
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Originally posted 2009-01-29 05:46:58. Republished by Blog Post Promoter
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Weight Loss Journal, exercise, motivation, review, sleep, stress, weight loss
60 minutes, achieving success, aim, clutter, consistency, exercise program, intense activity, intense sessions, muscles, nutrition plan, outset, periods, quality approach, recovery time, resistance training, stress management, time management, time wasters, weight loss success, workout
Source: http://www.weightladder.com/10-essential-elements-of-weight-loss-success-pt-2/
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