December 28th, 2010 | Meals, Weight Loss Journal, diet, exercise, motivation, nutrition, snacking, wellness�
How is your Sunday going? Are you looking to play a little golf or go fishing? Perhaps if your like my sister, you'll spend the day sitting down with a good book.
This week from the Fitness Health Network:
Thank you to all my readers. I wanted to give a little shout out to those that wrote to me this week:
Originally posted 2008-07-20 05:51:46. Republished by Blog Post Promoter
Sunday Roundup - Lose that Weight! In this edition of the Sunday roundup I've pulled several posts from blogs on a myriad of subjects but mostly I found posts on the subject of losing weight. Hopefully they will help you on your way to a healthier and better life. Have a happy and healthy weekend! The......
100 Calorie Diet Review The 100 Calorie Diet is a type of diet that was created by a pair of sisters, Tammy Trimble and Susie Trimble, and they lost more than 100 lbs following this diet plan that they have put together. They believe that by keeping track of calorie consumption in units of......
Sibling Day Weekend Roundup While this is not Mother's Day or Father's day, I called this week's roundup post Sibling Day's Roundup because of the accomplishments that my younger sisters have achieved. One is getting ready to be in an all state juried art show, another is ramping up to audition for all county......
Review: Eat this, Not that! Thousands of Simple Food Swaps that Can Save You 10, 20, 30 lbs or More! by David Zinczenko and Matt Goulding Title - Eat this, Not that! Thousands of Simple Food Swaps that Can Save You 10, 20, 30 lbs or More! Author - David Zinczenko and Matt Goulding Format - Paperback, 304 pages ISBN - 1594868549 and 978-1594868542 Publisher - Rodale Books Release Date - December 10, 2007 Can you......
Wii Fit: Healthy Weight Loss? Have you ever wondered if those video game exercise programs work? Can you achieve healthy weight loss playing a video game? The Wii Fit is the most popular of the weight loss programs that are on the market today. It has sold many thousands of units, but some wonder if......
The Best Bike Supplies on the Market Choosing the right bike supplies is important no matter what your skill level. You do not have to be a competitive rider to enjoy the benefits of the best parts. While you might not be performing on the same level as some other riders, there is a value in good......
Beating the Sugar Addiction - My Journey Funny how things suddenly become clear to you, as though a fog has lifted. I've been in a fog of sorts for quite some time, a sugar fog.� Only recently has this dense, gray world begun to disappear. I've finally come to a place where I feel confident I can......
Healthy Meals on the Go I have absolutely no time�for a sit down dinner tonight, let alone prepare one! My schedule has me going from work to singing lessons and then off to a concert. I still need to eat dinner, though. :) We all have hectic schedules sometimes.� But instead of�making a�run to�the fast......
Eating a Healthy Balanced Diet Eating a healthy and balanced diet is capable of providing you with all of the nutrients and all of the calories that your body requires for the activities and challenges that are ahead of you. Knowing what foods are rich in helpful nutrients like vitamins, proteins and healthy fats while......
National Nutrition Month March is National Nutrition Month. I didn't even know such an observation existed until I saw this written on the bottom of one of those freebie calendars I received from work. "Huh," I thought, "A month devoted to nutrition sounds good, especially if it could help folks learn about healthy......
Meals, Weight Loss Journal, diet, exercise, motivation, nutrition, snacking, wellness
boot camp, federal funds rate, fitness health, food diary, guest chef, health network, healthy snacks, lazy man, living today, mouth water, neutrogena, nutrition week, overeaters anonymous oa meetings, perfect balance, recession, roadmap, sweetener, truvia, what are nitrates, yoga practice
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